
You Have Finals Right Now- We Get It

It’s that time of year again. Finals. Did you forget? Just scroll through your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feed to refresh your memory.

Apparently, it’s also a socially acceptable time for girls to post pictures without make-up on. “Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin with no make-up on, that’s when you’re the” No. That is not when you’re the prettiest.

But we get it. You’re stressed out, freaking out, overwhelmed, and starting to feel like you’re taking crazy pills. Well, maybe you are. Does adderall count?  Still, I am pretty sure that nobody cares how many books are stacked on your desk or how many words you have highlighted in your notes.

I feel as if the only thing worst than studying for finals is having to put up with everyone else complaining about it on social media. I go to my Facebook to stalk my loved ones, visit my Twitter for a quick laugh with what’s going on in the world, and scroll though Instagram to daydream of beaches I wish I was at- I don’t do any of these things in hopes to see other people moaning and bitching about their upcoming tests.

So just to make sure we are all on the same page here, I thought I would give a run down of the annoying people you can expect to complain on your social media platforms these next few days.

Should I Go To Class?

The Countdowner

This person would be great to host a New Year’s Eve Party. “Five more days until I’m reunited with my favorite puppy ever back home!” Right. Because everyone really gives two shits about how many days you have left until you are reunited with your furry creatures. Or going back home for that matter. Awesome. Can’t wait to run into each other at the grocery store when I’m home too.

The Selfie Taker

We get it. You didn’t put on makeup today because of finals. You literally woke up like that. But wait, please capture this moment for everyone to review! It’s not like I was casually scrolling through my Instagram account and may have dropped my phone because I didn’t realize Halloween came so early this year.

The Caffeine Horder

Wow! You’re on your third cup of Starbucks today and it’s not even noon yet?! That’s so insane! It’s so insane that I could literally…care less. If I have to see someone post another coffee picture or check into a cafe, I may just have to delete my Facebook and Instagram account.

The Sleep Deprived

I love how people make posts or upload pictures of how sleep deprived they are. Really? Try living in the city where you’re lucky if you can even squeeze in 5 hours of sleep on a regular basis. And guess what? All the girls here still manage to put on some makeup and throw on a killer outfit.

Should I Go To Class?

The Procrastinator

These people are pros at doing everything but studying. Building a ship in a bottle, drinking with friends, visiting a museum, taking a picture that doesn’t involve coffee or books and hashtagging with YOLO, or taking part in any activity that doesn’t actually involve school. And don’t worry, they will share this with you because that counts toward their procrastination points.

The Student Who Posts Articles About How Awful Finals Are

You are friends with this person. You’ve seen it before. They are the ones who post the stupid Buzzfeed quizzes: “Scale of 10 To A Million, How Stressed Are You From Finals?” Wow! Kathy scored 500,000?! She must be drowning in work!

We. Don’t. Care. Kathy. Just let me get back to stalking my ex.

The Adderall Junkie

Adderall sellers must be like Johnny Depp from Blow this time of year- providing enough to our friends who are already soberly uptight to begin with.  But we all have this friend for sure. They need more and more until their test is complete and they can walk out of their classroom twitching and bug eyed.


Obviously these are only a few of the idiots you have to deal with and there are way more, but I would just like to give you a heads up. And also notify fellow colleagues in the midst of taking their finals- enough already. Stop posting nonsense. No one gives a shit.



photos: tumblr